Sunday, January 25, 2009

Video #2

Just a reminder that my next video on how to make
money running sports camps and speed clinics is going
up at midnight Eastern Standard Time tonight.

So it would be to your biggest advantage to send out
an email to your list tomorrow morning.

To make it easy for you, I've written *two* different
emails for you to choose from.

This way your subscribers won't see the same basic
email coming from more than one person and it gives
you a couple different approaches to use or modify
based on your personal speaking style.

Please let me know if you have any questions.





A Conspiracy Theory?

My friend Patrick Beith just put out another video
for you coaches who want to make more money working
with athletes.

In it, he says there's a secret conspiracy among college
professors and major certification companies to
prevent you from making more money in your profession.

A bold statement? Maybe.

But I have to tell you:

What he says *does* make a lot of sense.

Take a look for yourself:


To your success,




Fatal Flaws (in your sports camps and clinics)

I just got finished watching the newest video from
Patrick Beith.

Patrick's story is so similar to countless other
trainers and coaches you'll easily be able to identify
with his experience.

And you'll be inspired to take action so you can get
even better results in much less time than it took him.


This video is packed with *specific* tips and strategies
on creating newer and better ways to make more money
from each camp or clinic that you run.

Think about this:

A few years ago Patrick was just a typical trainer
at a gym and in this video he's sharing part of a
seminar he ran last year featuring Duane Carlisle,
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the NFL's
San Francisco 49ers!

If he can do that, don't you think you can bring in
an extra 10 or 15 young athletes to your next camp
or clinic using Patrick's techniques?

Of course you can!


To your success,


P.S. My favorite part of the video is where Patrick
talks about his 'conspiracy theory' concerning college
professors and major certification companies. You
*have* to hear the rest of what he has to say: