Thursday, January 22, 2009

IMPORTANT NEWS (affiliate update)

As you know the pre-launch of the Sports Camp Empire starts tomorrow.

If you have coaches, trainers, physical therapists, facility owners, physical education teachers, or boot camp runners, on your list, then this is perfect for you.

The Sports Camp Empire shows you how to make money running sports camps and clinics, no matter what the economy looks like.

The prelaunch will start with 4 free videos for your list to look at. Video 1 is going out tomorrow and video 2 will come out on Monday.

To get your affiliate link (Sports Camp Empire link) to send your list to the videos, go to:

Username: %$afusername$%
Password: %$afpassword$%

I have also created an email for you to send to your list, attached below. You can just cut, paste (plug in your affiliate link) and press send. I will send you another email for you to use for video 2 over the weekend.

If you have any questions, just let me know. Thanks.

To your success,

Cut & Paste Email
Begin Email

Subject: BAD NEWS (no more)

With all the doom, gloom and general bad news they're
giving you on the news every day, I figured you'd
like to see something GOOD for a change...

Well my friend Patrick Beith created a video that's going
to change the way you think about working with athletes.


Just a few years ago Patrick was your average
personal trainer waking up at 4am each day in
order to fit in enough clients to pay the bills.

Today he owns a highly successful sports performance
company with customers and clients from all 50 states
and over 75 different countries.

>From running camps and clinics to product creation
and business consulting, Patrick has leveraged his coaching
knowledge into a revenue stream that allows him to
work and travel when and *if* he chooses to.

Despite this faltering economy, his business and
his clients' businesses are more profitable than

Patrick has been where you are and knows what it's
like when finances are tight.

So he created this video showing you exactly how
you can quickly and easily turn your experience
working with athletes into a continuous revenue

If you've ever thought about running sports camps
or speed clinics (or want to make more money from
the ones you're currently running) then click on
this link now:


The video is free so you won't have to jump through hoops to check out the information. I know you will enjoy it and it is definitely work checking out if you want to figure out ways to grow your income in the 'down' economy.

To your success


P.S. - Here is the link: YOUR LINK

End Email