Sunday, February 1, 2009

Here's What You Get Video

It's about ready to get started!

I wanted to send you a reminder that next week starts the launch
of the Sports Camp Empire.

The official launch starts on Tuesday Feb. 3rd at noon EST. I will send
you a couple different variations of emails to send out tomorrow
for the Tuesday kick-off.

Tomorrow at 8am EST, I am putting out a video explaining what is
in the Sports Camp Empire program and letting people know about
the launch on Tuesday. They won't be able to order tomorrow but
the video goes into what is in the package and then to get ready to
order on Tuesday.

If you want to send out an email sending your people to the video
so that they are ready for the Tuesday launch, I have created 2 emails
for you to do that. They are below.

To get your affiliate link (Sports Camp Empire link) to send
your list to the videos, go to:

Username: %$afusername$%
Password: %$afpassword$%

Let me know if you have any questions.


Cut & Paste Email
BEGIN Email 1

Subject: FYI (important)

Over the past week I have been sending you tips and techniques from
my friend and coach Pat Beith on how to make more money running
sports camps.

Pat has been sharing this information with you freely and has held
nothing back. It really is valuable information that you can take
immediately and use it to grow your own business, no matter what
type of camp you put on.

The reason that I am emailing you today is that Pat has finally released
his Sports Camp Empire program. It has been off the market for over
a year. Only a small group of people had access to the program and
benefit from the information.

Pat has created a video for you explaining the ins and outs of the
program. There is a TON of information for this blueprint of running
successful sports camps but I will let him tell you more about it:


To your success,

PS - This is IMPORTANT, if you have ever thought about running camps
or are running camps now and want to make it easier to bring in more
clients and make more money, I suggest you check this out now:


END Email 1

Cut & Paste Email 2
BEGIN Email 2

Subject: Cool video walkthrough

I just found out that Pat Beith is doing a special 'sneak preview' of
something that he has kept under wraps for the past year.

I just finished watching it and it is really cool. He has been sharing
his videos with you over the past week or so about how to run your
own successful sports camps.

Well, this new video is a little bit different.

I hope you have got a lot of value out of all the previous videos but this
latest one reveals all of the methods and techniques you need to make
more money and get more clients in your camps.


Pat has been getting a lot of emails and blog posts asking for even
more ways to grow particular sports camps. So, he is letting you
know about a program that he has kept a secret for over 1 year.

you are serious about running any type of camp within the next year,
you really need to check out this video:


Enjoy :-)

P.S. - So watch what Pat is about to unveil what he and other sports
& fitness experts Lee Taft, Brian Grasso, Latif Thomas and
Duane Carlisle have going on.


END Email 2

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